The Most Common Mistakes in French to Avoid as a Learner


Discover the most common mistakes in French to avoid as a learner and improve your French vocabulary and grammar. The common French mistakes are listed here

Common Mistakes in French

The Most Common Mistakes in French to Avoid as a Learner

Did you know that being an expert in French can open doors for you and make your life better? Common mistakes in French slow down learning and bring frustration.

This article is about the most common mistakes in French to avoid as a learner, its different meanings, and also French learning tips that can help you become a native French speaker in no time!

The Most Common Mistakes in French to Avoid as a Learner

Having an understanding of the most common mistakes in French to avoid as a learner can be beneficial in your learning journey. Here are 6 common mistakes to avoid:

1. Mispronunciation of French Words

Saying the correct French pronunciation is a difficult stage in learning. The language is majorly known for having unique sounds.

French pronunciation mistakes lead to misunderstandings and difficulty in effective communication.

Challenges in French Pronunciation and Adjectives

  • Silent Letters: French words consist of silent letters that tend to be confusing to those who are learning. For example, consider the “t” in “parfait” or the “s” in “gris.” Both letters tend to be silent when pronounced and this can be challenging to non-natives.
  • Nasal Sounds: It starts with a vowel and cannot be found in English. Examples are “an” in “sans” and “on” in “bon.”
  • The “R” Sound: The “R” Sound is quite different from the English version thus, making it hard for English people.

Common French Mistakes in Pronunciation

  • Liaison mistakes between words like “les amis” where the “s” should be connected to the vowel “a.”
  • The wrongful pronunciation of vowels, especially the differences between “é” and “è.”

Strategies for Improvement

  • Constantly listening and immersing yourself in French can significantly help you internalize the correct word order and pronunciation.
  • Popular teaching apps make learning more fun and exciting. You can download and install apps like Duolingo for a wonderful learning curve
  • Knowledge of phonetic alphabets and consistency in practice is a proven way to become a conversation expert.

Do you want to perfect your pronunciation skills? Our French classes for beginners are your best bet. As an exception, we offer personalized lessons that can help French students learn French words.

2. Confusing Masculine and Feminine Nouns

The masculine vs Feminine in French is a very difficult phase for false friends and learners whose native language doesn’t involve grammatical gender.

Every noun in French can be masculine or feminine and it affects the way words are said in the sentence such as adjectives and articles.

Overview of the Gender System

French gender mistakes are not always intuitive. For example, the word “le livre” which means “the book” is considered masculine, while the word “la livre” which means “the pound’ is seen as feminine, despite their similar spellings.

Gendered articles like “le” for masculine and “la” for feminine must match the noun and this leads to attention to detail and memorization by English speakers.

Common Mistakes in Gender Agreement

  • The incorrect use of gender nouns in French can lead to wrong usage of articles.
  • Using the wrong identity to French adjectives in “un grande maison” instead of “une grande maison” which means a big house.

Tips On How to Avoid Using the Incorrect Gender

  • Make use of mnemonic devices or create associations to help you remember the identity of common nouns.
  • Consistent practice in writing and speaking is a great way to avoid this mistake. Always pay close attention to noun genders.
  • Understand nouns and their corresponding articles. For example, “le” or “la.” This can help reinforce the right identity in your mind.

3. Misusing Verb Conjugations

French verb conjugation errors can be very stressful and complex for newbies due to the presence of verbs that are irregular, moods and different tenses.

Challenges in Verb Conjugation

French verbs are dynamic and are liable to change based on tense, subject, and mood. “aller” can be “je vais”, “tu vas”, and “il va”

Mastering French verbs and knowing common French verbs mistakes are very important.

Conjugation Mistakes French Students Make

  • The first common mistake is using the wrong tense. An example is mixing up the passé composé with the imparfait.
  • Confusing “être” with “avoir” in statements like “je suis allé” with “j’ai allé.”

Common French Strategies

  • Conducting regular exercises with conjugation can give you a clearer understanding of the different verb forms.
  • Many tools and apps are available on the internet for practice. This can help you practice conjugations effectively and get corrections.
  • It is advisable to engage in discussions that can help you use different tenses for learning reinforcement.

Struggling with French verb conjugations? At Elite French Tutoring, our expert tutors guide you through the complexities of French grammar, ensuring you get it right every time. Sign up for a trial lesson and see the difference!

4. Incorrect Use of Prepositions

The use of correct French prepositions is another key area where mistakes are made by enthusiasts. This is because they are different from the English version. 

Understanding French Prepositions: The translation of French prepositions is not usually direct from English and this development makes it stressful for people who want to say it correctly.

Preposition Mistakes by French Students

  • One of the mistakes of French prepositions being made by most speakers is the confusion of “à” with “de” in phrases like “parler à” which means “to speak to” versus “parler de” which means “to speak about”
  • Using “en” and “dans” incorrectly to portray time or location.

Tips for Studying Prepositions

  • Before using French prepositions, know the most popular prepositions and how they are used correctly.
  • Study prepositions in terms of phrases rather than individually to better understand the context and meaning.
  • Have a good reference guide for checking preposition usage and avoiding grammatical mistakes.

5. Overusing Anglicisms

French Anglicisms means the excessive use of English words in French. This is a common mistake that prevents fluency and authenticity in French sounds.

Although some English phrases are allowed in French, the overreliance on it can hinder conversation flow.

What Are Anglicisms: These are English words that can be used in French because the English versions are popular or there are no direct French equivalent. For instance, words such as “weekend” or “parking” are already used in French.

Popular Anglicisms Mix: Let us consider words like “email” instead of “courriel” or “job” instead of “emploi.” They are commonly described by people who struggle to translate or find the equivalent in French.

Alternatives and Practice

  • You can start by watching French movies, listening to French music, and reading books to become better with expressions in French
  • Avoiding English in French leads to language purity

The duration and extent of your French grammar depends on how serious you are willing to take it.

At Elite French Tutoring, the over usage of Anglicisms is avoided and this help improve your French. Contact us to learn more!

6. Neglecting the Subjunctive Mood

Having comprehensive knowledge is very important. Subjunctive mood is for showcasing uncertainties, emotions, and doubts.

However, it is often overlooked by learners, and this can lead to mistakes when having advanced conversations.

Importance of the Subjunctive Mood

They are used after specific expressions and conjunctions. An example is “il faut que” which means “it is necessary that” or “bien que” which is “although.”

Another importance is its requirement after verbs of emotion, necessity, or doubt. This is important for expressing thoughts that are complex in French.

Mistake to Avoid in Subjunctive

Indicative mood is different from subjunctive. Avoid using them interchangeably. A common French subjunctive mistake is “je pense que tu es” (I think that you are) instead of “je pense que tu sois.”

How to Master and Translate the Subjunctive

  • You can start by mastering the French subjunctive. Know the conjunctions and French mood errors that are needed for the use of subjunctive.
  • Practice consistently by applying the subjunctive into your daily writing and speaking exercises. This will help you become better and more comfortable with it.


In conclusion, knowing the most common mistakes in French to avoid as a learner is important. The quantity of mistakes listed in this article are very common amongst French learners and avoiding it will help you achieve French language mastery.

If you are struggling with vocabulary, plural, grammar, pronoun, or consonant, Elite French Tutoring is here to help you become an expert French language learning.

Why Choose Elite French Tutoring to Learn French

The lessons are tailored to meet your specific needs and help you achieve fluency. Elite French Tutoring has seasoned teachers that are proficient in French education.

The availability of both online and in-person sessions to suit your schedule makes it one of the best French learning resources.

Sign up today and become an expert in French language!

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About the Author

Andrei is a linguist who speaks several languages fluently. He founded Elite French Tutoring as an expression of his passion for entrepreneurship and for the French language and French culture. He has helped numerous professionals, students and young people dramatically improve their skills in the French language.

As the Emperor Charlemagne said: "To have another language is to possess a second soul."

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